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Recipe: Yummy Easy Brigadeiro Truffle

Easy Brigadeiro Truffle. Shape and roll the chilled mixture into balls. Roll the balls in chocolate sprinkles. Tweet; One of my favorite Brazilian treats to introduce my friends to is brigadeiro - a chocolate dessert, somewhere between fudge and a truffle.

Easy Brigadeiro Truffle You can make cake, cupcakes, brigadeiro cookies, and this triple brigadeiro cheesecake tart. If the cooked mixture is too soft to roll into fudge balls, the alternativeis to serve brigadeiro piped onto spoons. Pour the condensed milk into your heaviest pot. You can cook Easy Brigadeiro Truffle using 3 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Easy Brigadeiro Truffle

  1. It's 1 of Brigadeiro Dip ( my recipe ).
  2. Prepare 5 tbsp of Cocoa powder.
  3. Prepare 2 tbsp of Each icing , coffee powder , crash Oreo ( chocolate sandwich cookies ).

Stir in the cocoa powder and the salt. Cook, stirring constantly, over low heat. Keep the mixture barely at a boil to prevent burning and sticking. When ready, the brigadeiro should be easy to hold and malleable like a soft fudge.

Easy Brigadeiro Truffle step by step

  1. Make brigadeiro dip
  2. Add more cocoa powder into the dip and mix well until very thick. Chill in the fridge..
  3. Get teaspoonful of the brigadeiro to roll into circle balls and roll in classical flavors toppings like icing sugar ( Vanila ) or more cocoa powder ( chocolate ) or crush Oreo ( chocolate sandwich cookies ) or coffee powder ( coffee ) or more toppings as you like. Example chopped strawberry chocolates or chopped nuts..

Roll small portions of the mixture between the palms of your hands until you get a perfect sphere with a glossy shine. Place your Brazilian truffles onto a non-stick surface. If you like them plain, then you may finish at this step and enjoy! Unlike other complicated recipes, Brazilian Truffles are extremely easy to make. For our recipe, you need only need two ingredients: condensed milk and cocoa powder!

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