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Easiest Way to Prepare Yummy Chocolate peanutbutter oatmeal cookies

Chocolate peanutbutter oatmeal cookies.

Chocolate peanutbutter oatmeal cookies You can have Chocolate peanutbutter oatmeal cookies using 3 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Chocolate peanutbutter oatmeal cookies

  1. Prepare of Chocolate icing.
  2. You need of peanut butter.
  3. It's of instant oats.

Chocolate peanutbutter oatmeal cookies step by step

  1. Heat icing in microwave for one minute..
  2. Stir in peanut butter to the melted icing.
  3. Stir in your oats gradually while stirring the chocolate& peanutbutter mixture..
  4. Once you have all ingredients mixed together, spoon onto wax paper or a pan that has been coated with cooking spray..
  5. Let the cookies cool for about 30 mins & ENJOY!.

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