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Recipe: Perfect Oats Rose Cookies

Oats Rose Cookies.

Oats Rose Cookies You can cook Oats Rose Cookies using 9 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Oats Rose Cookies

  1. You need of oats.
  2. You need of all-purpose flour.
  3. You need of powdered sugar.
  4. Prepare of salt.
  5. Prepare of rose essence.
  6. You need of red color.
  7. You need of butter.
  8. It's of baking soda.
  9. Prepare of baking powder.

Oats Rose Cookies step by step

  1. Firstly melt the butter and mix the sugar..
  2. Then take oats, all-purpose flour add baking powder and soda mix it nicely. After that add butter in oats and mix it nicely, if required then add milk for kneading..
  3. Then divide into two parts and in one part add rose essence and color and second part is as it is remain..
  4. Then with the help of heart shaped cutter give the Cookies into heart shape..
  5. Ready all cookies with the help of cutter..
  6. In the microwave baked on micro on 180 degree centigrade for 10 minutes..
  7. After that cool down the cookies, than enjoy it..

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